Saturday, November 14, 2015

"Support Your Local Shop": Carlisle Cycle and Scooter

I have talked to several shop owners during my research. In fact, I helped open a shop several years ago. In Central Pennsylvania. One of my fellow riders runs a nice little shop in Carlisle, PA and wrote a post (see link below) about local support. Though we all are familiar with the idea; this is worth the time to remind us why shopping local is so important.

By the way, I love my new helmet that I purchased from this shop! [Photo Credit: Denny Magdule, 10/25/2015 about to start Carlisle Cycle and Scooter's ride out to the abandoned PA Turnpike Tunnels]

Carlisle Cycle and Scooter: Support your local shop.:                             Now that Halloween has past, our thoughts turn to Thanksgiving and holiday shopping.  One of the things we a...

Friday, November 13, 2015

Industrial History in Pennsylvania

I am very interested in industrial history and objects. One of my favorite papers that I did in graduate school was on tourism in Pittsburgh, PA. The following links are referencing my professor Allen Dieterich-Ward from Shippensburg University with his new book Beyond Rust: Metropolitan Pittsburgh and the Fate of Industrial America and PBS's Keystone Crossroads programming on the reinvention of cities in PA.

Beyond Rust: Metropolitan Pittsburgh and the Fate of Industrial America

Smart Talk 11/11/15 A: Cities reinventing themselves

How do Pennsylvania’s post-industrial cities reinvent themselves?

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Rob Kain's 2015 exhbit "Motorbikes for the Masses" at AACA Museum

Rob Kain of is the 2015 guest exhibitor at the AACA Museum, Hershey, PA for a special exhibit Motorbikes for the Masses.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

2015 Charm City Mods and Rockers

 photo NKN_3925.jpg
Andrew Reamer, Moped Rob Kain, & Scooter Nettie Bowen
discuss Reamer's 1989 Honda GB500TT
2015 Charm City Mods vs. Rocker's, Dundalk, MD
Photo Credit: Kevin Reed

2007 Rider Magazine Retrospective Honda GB500 Tourist Trophy 1989-1990

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Become a Resarch Participant

Research Participitation

The purpose of this list is to occasionally test out survey questions in preparation for scholarly quantitative and qualitative research on Scooter and Moped Culture. The the information may be used for a PhD dissertation, articles, and/or a book.

  1. Contact on this list will be rare.
  2. We will always be clear when surveys are "blind" anonymous or when we will keep your identity connected. Anonymity helps participants feel more comfortable with certain subject matter.
  3. Your information will not be sold - ever.
  4. Though we do not anticipate partners at this time; your clear and express permission must be obtained in order to share with a third party.
  5. The list maintains the right to remove parties from the list for any reason.
Full Name
Email *
Club, State
Your Primary Ride
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