Monday, September 12, 2016

Creative Mind: BUJO and Doodling Data

My 2016-2017 calendar, 2016 journal, and accessories.

I have spent the better part of 2016 experimenting with my own mental processes and how to enhance the creative mind. I am exploring ways in which people process content via project journaling, doodling, and writing. I experimented with the popular Bullet Journaling trend, was inspired by the authors of Dear Data on Ira Flatow's Science Friday, and am enjoying the many blogs, curated Pinterest boards, and instructional videos users have posted on putting pen to paper. Though there is this trend toward analog, I believe that we generally agree that there are credible reasons to maintain a digital organizational toolkit.

Bullet Journaling: (aka bujo) A journaling process; credited to New York product designer Ryder Carroll. As an archivist and librarian, I naturally want to catalog everything as I go. This technical side of me can impede my research and writing process. I decided to explore the boju concept because I have been experimenting with different ways to transform ideas into more fully developed plans, projects, and writing.
Plan to transport an exhibit.

There are plenty of solid boju how-to guides by credible bloggers. Carroll's concept starts as a calendar planner as well as a space to project journal. The only processes that I abide by 100% are: keeping the index in the front of the book and allowing ideas to form chronologically rather than by physical location. The boju bloggers took the idea and ran full force with it and transformed it into a wide open creative space. Becasue of this; I incorporated the concept of creative enhancement with doodling, colorful washi tape (not too much), and quotes from Shakespeare. I avoid affirmations, poetry, and diary entries.

Like my predecessors, my journaling has a generous allowance for trial and error.

My primary break from Carroll is that I stopped keeping my calendar in the journal. A separate physical calendar is functionally better for me because I have 2 part-time jobs, have my own research projects, and volunteer. It is just easier and more professional to take the calendar with me in certain situations. If I do not have my journal handy, I jot down preliminary notes to journal later. I do keep both analog and digital calendars. The transcription process helps me think through my priorities and make scheduling decisions more effectively.

Going back to the concept of digital management: I am an archivist first and foremost. I scan the journal pages with my smartphone and catalog them in my cloud storage. This gives me an additional means to use the journal. Task lists and projects that I do not want to transfer to the next journal become printable worksheets! I can also add metadata to pages of interest to make them searchable. 

Science Friday: To add more weight to this concept of writing and doodling; we turn to Ira Flatow's interview with authors Giorgia Lupi & Stephani Posavac about their book Dear Data on the Friday 09/09/2016 edition of Science Friday. The authors want readers to find data accessible through imagery and therefore find some inspiration to look at data as something that is integral to our daily experience.

I think this interview serves to enforce this concept of allowing our brains to be both technical and creative. Both enhance the other and we gain a more fruitful perspective when we blend those worlds rather than compartmentalize them.

#bulletjournal +SciFri #doodling #STEAM #STEM 

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

E-learning is the New Learning

Janet Mulligan Bowen, 08/09/2016

Anna Sabramowicz writes an article that hones in on changes from content-centered education to learner-centered education.

It is true that we all need to memorize many things to get through life. In the workforce, we spend most of our time researching and synthesizing content in order to produce good work. Even trades and services depend on research to produce excellent products as safely and sustainable as possible.

I had a 10-year gap before I returned to college. It took another 10 years to finish my Bachelor's degree. I had the privilege, and relief, of watching education shift from content and memorization toward the learner and researcher driven education over the span of 20 years. My own grades showed marked improvement as I went into higher level classes instead of deteriorating because I was expected to do scholarly work, collaborate, edit, and produce content rather than being limited to assessments that focus on memorization.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

How to Ride a Scooter

by Willie Sanchez, uploaded to YouTube by "tribalneo79"

Thanks to Roland Henry of TMISC for finding this video on YouTube!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

2016 Mods and Rockers at the AACA Museum

Come on out to Hershey, PA for a relaxed and fun tour through the American Automobile Club of American's Museum in Hershey, PA. We pay homage to riders in the United Kingdom, the early history of American biker culture, and the core influences of music of American Soul artists, jazz, and Rock & Roll.

It has been an amazing year working with the AACA Museum. The staff at the AACA are supportive, welcoming, and enthusiastic about all things motoring. I am grateful to Rob Kain and Dave Russell for an enjoyable and productive partnership in setting up this exhibit.

I want to offer additional thanks to our UK friend Richard Oswald for loaning us his USA Military Parka during the riding season. We cannot thank you enough for sharing such a treasure!

See more about it here: Janet's Info page

Saturday, November 14, 2015

"Support Your Local Shop": Carlisle Cycle and Scooter

I have talked to several shop owners during my research. In fact, I helped open a shop several years ago. In Central Pennsylvania. One of my fellow riders runs a nice little shop in Carlisle, PA and wrote a post (see link below) about local support. Though we all are familiar with the idea; this is worth the time to remind us why shopping local is so important.

By the way, I love my new helmet that I purchased from this shop! [Photo Credit: Denny Magdule, 10/25/2015 about to start Carlisle Cycle and Scooter's ride out to the abandoned PA Turnpike Tunnels]

Carlisle Cycle and Scooter: Support your local shop.:                             Now that Halloween has past, our thoughts turn to Thanksgiving and holiday shopping.  One of the things we a...

Friday, November 13, 2015

Industrial History in Pennsylvania

I am very interested in industrial history and objects. One of my favorite papers that I did in graduate school was on tourism in Pittsburgh, PA. The following links are referencing my professor Allen Dieterich-Ward from Shippensburg University with his new book Beyond Rust: Metropolitan Pittsburgh and the Fate of Industrial America and PBS's Keystone Crossroads programming on the reinvention of cities in PA.

Beyond Rust: Metropolitan Pittsburgh and the Fate of Industrial America

Smart Talk 11/11/15 A: Cities reinventing themselves

How do Pennsylvania’s post-industrial cities reinvent themselves?

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Rob Kain's 2015 exhbit "Motorbikes for the Masses" at AACA Museum

Rob Kain of is the 2015 guest exhibitor at the AACA Museum, Hershey, PA for a special exhibit Motorbikes for the Masses.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

2015 Charm City Mods and Rockers

 photo NKN_3925.jpg
Andrew Reamer, Moped Rob Kain, & Scooter Nettie Bowen
discuss Reamer's 1989 Honda GB500TT
2015 Charm City Mods vs. Rocker's, Dundalk, MD
Photo Credit: Kevin Reed

2007 Rider Magazine Retrospective Honda GB500 Tourist Trophy 1989-1990

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Become a Resarch Participant

Research Participitation

The purpose of this list is to occasionally test out survey questions in preparation for scholarly quantitative and qualitative research on Scooter and Moped Culture. The the information may be used for a PhD dissertation, articles, and/or a book.

  1. Contact on this list will be rare.
  2. We will always be clear when surveys are "blind" anonymous or when we will keep your identity connected. Anonymity helps participants feel more comfortable with certain subject matter.
  3. Your information will not be sold - ever.
  4. Though we do not anticipate partners at this time; your clear and express permission must be obtained in order to share with a third party.
  5. The list maintains the right to remove parties from the list for any reason.
Full Name
Email *
Club, State
Your Primary Ride
email marketing by activecampaign

Friday, June 27, 2014

Sharing carefully selected items from within the Historical Society of Dauphin County archives at the 2014 Annual Membership Meeting including porcelain rice bowls that are an interesting example of the repair technique to use staples/rivets and gold, or kintsugu. To learn more about this technique, see artist Paul Scott's article in The Nature of Mending.